canada_gl_anim1.gif (37393 bytes) Grades: 3 to 6
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These pictures were made when Oxana was between grade 3 and 6. There is no birthday parties. To see pictures from Oxana's birthday parties you need to return to "Pictures" and click on "Birthday parties". The pictures from her dancing club presentations in Russia are at the very end of the page. (Click on the picture to see it in a bigger size)

Oxana on the first day of school. Goin' to go into 
grade 3. 

Oxana and one of her classmates - Irina. Grade 5. Russia. (Oxana on the right.)

Oxana and on of her classmates - Zoya. Grade 5. Russia.

Oxana is just before getting ready to go trick of treating with her grade seven friend - Kelly and her brother. Grade 6. Richmond, B.C., Canada.





Kristel, Oxana, Irem at school.Grade 6. William Cook Elementary School, Richmond, B.C., Canada.



Skating. 1999. Richmond, B.C., Canada.

Oxana, Writing her wish...

ere are the pictures from Oxana's Dancing Club in Russia!

These pictures were made in spring time, 1999.



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